Maps and Semantic Maps 0.5.3 released

Today I released Maps and Semantic Maps 0.5.3. Both releases mainly include bug-fixes, some of which quite important:

  • Fixed JavaScript bug causing all OSM maps to fail. Pretty important yeah 🙂
  • Fixed issue causing a fatal error when executing a query on Special:Ask with the “map” format.
  • Fixed issue causing PHP warnings with the type and types parameters in the Yahoo! Maps form input.
  • Fixed OpenLayers form input projection bug, causing the the coordinates to be wrongly interpreted. The amazing thing about this bug is that it has been present since somewhere between 0.3 and 0.3.3, without anyone reporting it. It was caused by an error in coordinate conversion between regular and spherical Mercator projections.
  • Fixed marker display for the OpenLayers form inputs.

I also discovered an oversight in the hook system of Maps, which is kind of a dormant bug, that could have caused errors for certain implementations of extensions to Maps. The oversight was that a mapping service does not necessary support a sub feature, like the parser function display_point, of a feature, like the parser functions. A check is now in place, together with a defaulting mechanism that also allows you to set the default per sub feature. I’m planning on changing this to a more recursive algorithm in the future though.

A last change is the adding of initial Google Maps v3 support. It’s only implemented for the display_map parser function, and has a rather limited set of customisation parameters at the moment, not to forget a whole load of issues. My conclusion from trying to implement this is that the GMaps 3 API is definitely not in it’s final state yet, since it’s lacking vital methods needed for basic functionality. The support for GMaps v3 is therefore sort of an alpha release, and won’t be put on the documentation page until it’s more stable and complete.


As you can see, I changed the location of the releases from my forums to 2 brand new Google Code projects [ Maps, Semantic Maps ]. 🙂

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